Lorcana Constructed Event

Tickets go on sale at 5pm Aug 28, max 12 players, $10 entry

Bring your 60 card deck down to play three rounds of Lorcana.  Decks can be made up of only two different color of inks, and you can only have 4 of the same card in your deck.  Starter Decks, and upgraded Starter Decks are welcome.  As per Lorcana Organized Play rules proxies are not permited.  This is a family friendly event.

Prizes for this event will be given out at random.  Each event will have one Lorcana Pin, and enough promo cards for at least half the players to walk away with something.  

Lorcana Constructed Event ticket - Wed, 30 Aug 2023 Event Ticket BinderPOS Event

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