Mystery Loot: Trick or Treat 3

Regular price $20.00 4 in stock
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    🎃 Back by popular demand and just in time for Fall, we our rolling out a brand new collection of our Best-Selling, Trick or Treat Mystery Loots!!   These are LIMITED QUANTITY!

    Your Mystery Loot will contain one of our:

    ✔️ Top-Selling, Spooky Metal D20's: Limited supply of spooky dice with Jack-O-Lantern face designs!

    ✔️ Spooky-Themed Enamel Pins: A classic monster dressed in a Halloween costume...  Our unique pins this year feature goblins, skeletons, yeti, and more, all dressed up and ready to trick-or-treat!

    Each Mystery Loot bag will contain one Metal D20 and one Enamel Pin. 

    - $20.00

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